Monday, March 28, 2011


When it comes to having company with kids, I tend to hold off on telling the girls that we're having people over until the very last minute.  You never know when someone will wake up sick, or with pink eye, or whatever.  So they were very excited when they heard our friends were coming to visit.  Hannah and Norah both love playing with Hunter, Hayden, and Baby Sam.  Though I wonder what Baby Sam will be called when he's a big brother this summer?  Some friends of ours have a daughter who always called Norah "Baby Norah" which was adorable... and I was kind of sad when Joanna informed me that Allie says she's now "Big  Girl Baby Norah"  She is a big girl.... no baby left at all.

Speaking of, Norah had her 3 year well child appointment on Friday.  She is 26lbs and 35 inches tall.  Right on her growth curve.  Her doctor checked out her toes that I deemed "weird" and said they look like bad circulation and nothing to worry about.  All her other deals (eating, sleeping, accidents) are "normal" for 3.  I guess I didn't realize that with Hannah.  She's a great eater/sleeper... and basically once she hit 3 only had enough accidents I could count them on one hand... and that's usually from being too far from the bathroom when she remembered she had to go.

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