Thursday, March 31, 2005

peed on

So Hannah had her first real tub bath last night. I took pictures, and at first she really hated it, but then she got used to it, and stopped yelling so much. Of course when I wrapped her in the towel and took her to put her diaper and clothes back on, she peed all over me and the towel. I had to shower when I was done. Guess we'll have to figure out a better way to do that.Took a trip to Walmart this morning... and she was so good. Never even cried once. Of course, she slept most of the time. Now I think I'll get some lunch while she's not requiring all my attention.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Bath day?

I'm such a slacker with this lately, but she hardly sleeps during the day, so I don't have a lot of time to write. Changed her diaper this morning, and her umbilical cord fell off, and amazingly, it's bath day! So she'll probably get a real bath either today or tomorrow! That ought to be fun, since she just HATES to be nekkid and wet! Had a good easter. Meme bought her a cute bunny. (no candy this year) And Mimi Joanie bought her a cute outfit! She is just too sweet for words now though. She loves her Daddy very much. In fact, I have to keep the radio on all day so she'll sleep at all. In our effort not to be quiet when she's sleeping, now she needs it noisy to sleep. What a pain. Good thing I don't want to nap when she does.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Hannah's Birth Story

So... here I am, finally home with a few minutes to spare, so for all of you who don't know what happened, I'll write a birth story.

Friday morning, March 11, I woke up, and I thought my water had broken. I called the Dr on call, and she said to go to the birthing center. So I called Steven, and Mom and we headed up. They checked me and said there was no amniotic fluid, but that I should walk for a while and they'd check me again. I walked the halls for two hours, and when they checked again, she said there might possibly be a leak, but that as of right then, my water hadn't broken... so I could go. But she said she'd be surprised if I didn't show back up sometime over the weekend.

So we went and had lunch... and did our errands. During that time I started to get contractions. By 8pm they were 7-8 minutes apart, and uncomfortable, but not unbearable. I fell asleep around 11 and slept until 2:30. I woke up and I felt something kind of pop, and when I got up, I was much wetter than normal. My water had broken then! The contractions started immediately to get much worse and we called the Dr at 3 and she said to head to the birthing center.

At around 3:15 the nurses checked me and said I was 2cm. I was upset because that meant I had to wait for the epidural. They gave me a shot of Nubain and let me labor for a while. The shot didn't help the pain at all... the contractions were almost unbearable, but I felt awfully sleepy in between. Around 6am I told them I needed to pee, and they said before that could happen they were going to check me again. I heard the nurses whispering over me, and they actually checked twice... Then they told me I had dialated to 10cm already! So no epidural for me!

They called the Dr... and told me when I felt the urge to push. And I pushed. Though I think the worst part of that was when they said not to push but breathe through the contractions. I don't think anything is harder than that. I pushed for almost 1 1/2 hours and at 7:52, Hannah finally arrived... showering the Dr with what was left of the amniotic fluid! They put her up on my chest, and my Mom cut the cord. She was absolutely beautiful! And still is, but then I'm a little biased!

That's what I remember... but then I'm sure I'm forgetting something. It all seems kinda fuzzy anyways. So that's how my little Hannah got here... and boy are we glad she's here!!

Sunday, March 6, 2005


Hopefully a quiet day today, since we were so busy yesterday. I know I wasn't supposed to, but we went up to Lancaster yesterday. Of course I feel like an elephant, and no woman this pregnant should have to wear those shoes, and a dress for that long, but I managed. It was nice to see people again. I feel like I'm so stuck here. But I'm sure it will get better once I have her. Only one more week until my due date, but I really don't think she'll be here by then. Went to the Dr's on Friday and had to go to the Birthing center for a Non Stress test. I hadn't felt her moving yet that day, so rather be safe than sorry... they hook you up to a bunch of monitors and make you press a button when you feel the baby move. It was kind of cool to watch the printout, but laying there for an hour got a little old. I can only imagine how old it will get when I go into labor.

Wednesday, March 2, 2005


Nothing much interesting to report today. A few contractions here and there, but nothing worth timing. Have been relaxing and reading a lot with my feet up, and since last night, I have the worst pain 'down there' when I walk or sit up in bed. So I'm hoping this means she's finally engaged, which might mean this could happen soon. It finally stopped snowing, so I could get out of the house today. On my own. I feel like I'm stuck a lot because I shouldn't drive in the snow. So now I'm unstuck for another few days. I hope!

Tuesday, March 1, 2005


And I thought March would never get here! So here I am, 12 days to go and counting. Had a few Braxton Hicks contractions, but not much else lately. Just feeling generally uncomfortable and totally ready for this to be over. Right now I'm contemplating what I want for lunch today... either Grilled cheese (again) or peanut butter.And it's snowing again.... The nurse at the birthing center said they get really busy during snowstorms... so I was hoping. But of course, I'm still here, and she's still in there. So here's hoping I don't make it to my appointment on Friday.