Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Still feeling good, and it's hard to believe I've hit the halfway point. I am more than 20 weeks now, and it's all gone by so fast. I'm sure at some point it will seem to drag on, but so far everything is going really well.

E.I. and Baby Sister

Hannah is still doing great. Her language improves every day, and her EI 1 year evaluation is scheduled for October 30. That will decide if she still needs service through them, or if she's caught up enough to not need any help from them. I'm torn about what I want. She clearly loves playgroup and gets a lot out of her sessions with Jennifer, so on one hand I know it would be great for her to qualify again and continue getting help until her birthday. But on the other hand, it would be nice to know that she doesn't have more than a 25% delay anymore.Hannah doesn't seem to understand baby sister totally. She says "hi" sometimes, and one night tried to share her milk with her sister. Most of the time though, I think she doesn't quite understand. Hopefully with a few friends either having babies recently, or due any day she can see the actual effects of Mommies being pregnant.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Mmmmm Massage

Had a regular OB appointment today, and things are fine. They had no trouble finding her heartbeat, and he says this will probably be the most comfortable time in my pregnancy. I really can't complain though, I've had it really good this time. Very little morning sickness, not much of anything except being tired. And I don't even feel all that tired really right now. I'm going for a massage tonight, so hopefully baby girl appreciates it :) I know I will.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It's A.....

Ok, sorry I'm just getting this down. It's been hectic here. The Ultrasound went really well. The tech didn't have hardly any trouble finding the parts she needed to (kidneys, heart chambers, fingers...) or the ones we wanted to see. She pointed out those three white lines that mean "girl" and I couldn't have been more surprised. As of right now I know about 8 women who are pregnant, and none of them are having boys. I thought for sure statistics say one of us has to, but not so far.

So Baby Girl is healthy and growing exactly the way she should be. All her parts are where they should be, and have the right number of them. The good news is the tech pointed out the placenta to me, so I asked where in relation to me did that put it. I was right, it's right up against my stomach, so that's why I'm not feeling very much movement. She said that's very normal :) I am much more relaxed now and not so worried. Now we get to spend time digging through all the containers in the attic to see what we still have and what we need to get.