Thursday, April 28, 2011


Why after what felt like the longest winter in history, can I not get my kids to go play outside?!  It's crazy.  Yesterday they stayed in playing Polly Pockets, and the day before Norah only wanted to play LPS.  It's very frustrating.  Hopefully this weekend they'll spend more time outside.  It's supposed to still be nice, and their fabulous Auntie and Uncle to be are coming for a visit.  They'll be here sometime tomorrow afternoon I think, so if Hannah's lucky, they'll be waiting for her when I bring her back from school.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Showers

Are drowning us!  I almost can't remember when we saw a whole day that had no rain in it!  We're looking forward to the next few days where it will be nice and warm, but still with the rain.  It's never ending.  Maybe we need to build an ark. 

The good news is it's getting to be warm.  So I'm going to start packing up a few of the long sleeve shirts in favor of more short sleeves.  It's going to be May and in another month, Memorial Day will be here.  So we'll need to find the warm weather clothes.  I remember both girls wearing shorts last year at that time.  Today though, it's all about short sleeves and capri leggings with the skirts. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Easter is super late this year, so I was really hoping for some fabulous weather.  After yesterday where it was cold, rainy, and generally gross... today was a real blessing.  It was very foggy when the girls got up to see what the Easter Bunny brought them, but by the time we got out of church, the sun was peeking out.  After a stop for a post church breakfast at Friendly's (Per Steven, exactly how it was done when he was a kid) the sun was full out and it was almost 70, which is lovely!  We headed over to Meme's house to have an afternoon of fun.  The girls had more easter treats there, and got to hunt for eggs.  Amanda came over with her friend Ashley and the girls had them running at their beck and call all afternoon.  Yes it clouded over later, and we got more rain, but that little bit of sun and warmth this morning really has me ready for fabulous weather and summer fun!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It gets better

Hannah started her vacation on a somewhat low note, but it HAS gone up from there.  She spent two days 99'ing it (as Kat would say) but then by Wednesday she was her normal self.  Which is good, because we had plans to go to Northampton to see a puppet show at the Academy of Music.  The show was Sleeping Beauty, complete with fantastic marionettes and music from the ballet.  All the kids thought it was great, and Norah insists that her favorite part was the dragon.  After that we headed to Thorne's for a snack, and then home.  They were thrilled to hang out with their cousins for the afternoon. 

Today we headed out to the Amelia Park Children's Museum, courtesy of Kat for lending us her pass.  They had a great time there!  Norah spent most of her time there playing with trains, but they also had their faces painted, planted seeds to take home (Hannah picked cucumbers, Norah picked Dahlias), and basically got to run around like lunatics.  We stopped at Kat's on the way home to drop off the pass, and then headed home for dinner.

Tomorrow we have plans to head down to the Trolley Museum in CT before Mimi comes over to pick up Hannah and take her back to her and Grampy's house for a sleepover.  We're heading up there on Saturday, so she's very excited to have them all to herself for the evening.  So clearly her fever didn't last long enough to spoil her whole vacation!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Mom doesn't usually call me when the girls are at her house, until they request to say hi to me, and tell me all the fun things they're doing.  Yesterday though, she did.  Hannah was sick.  Of course I knew she was sick, she'd been coughing over a week.  That's not new, so I'd sent all the regular remedies, and knew they'd have a great time.  Until she called.  She said Hannah was running a fever.  That she was curled up in bed, and not at all herself.  Poor Hannah.  I directed her to the childrens ibuprofen I've left there for her, and she dosed her.  I called back an hour or so later, and she was perky and happier.  Good news for everyone.  She did not want to come home, even though I said if she wanted to, we'd come to get her.  She was insistent that she stay there.  And she did.  She still had a fever this morning, so more medicine.  She was more like herself all day though until dinner.  So she got some more medicine at bedtime.  I'm hoping she's feeling better tomorrow.  She already has to miss her friends coming over, because they can't be around when anyone's had a fever.  And of course they're all on vacation, so we have plenty of fun plans.  She's a trooper though, she really wants to keep doing everything and make it just as fun as it should be.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


As spring gets more into full swing, I spend more and more time looking forward to weekends.  Specifically this weekend.  Next week Steven is on vacation, as well as Hannah for her spring break.  I have to work, but I think I have it set so I can squeeze everyone into Monday and Tuesday, and then spend the rest of the week home with the family.

Also this weekend, the girls are going to Meema's for a sleepover.  She's happy to keep them so Steven and I can do something special to celebrate our anniversary.  And of course we have lots of plans for every weekend coming up.  Next weekend it's Grampy's house, the weekend after it's another friends house to visit their new baby.  Mother's day weekend is obvious, as well as having plans to go visit some friends who we love, but don't see often enough.  It's enough to wish for all my weekends together, instead of separated by weeks.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Eight or Ten?

Today is Steven's and my anniversary.  We've been married for eight years.  But, as it happens, we chose to get married on the second anniversary of our first date.  A Friday the thirteenth, and Steven still swears the reason he knew I was the one is because I called him a cheap prick on that eventful first date.  Who knows, but it's here and so far so good.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Oh it was beautiful here this weekend.  The girls spent most of yesterday outside playing.  We put up our new gazebo to replace the totally destroyed one from the snow this winter.  It's the same size, and matches everything we already had.  And it was a good price.  So we did that yesterday, and I took out the carseats and washed the covers.  It was time for that... gross!  Today Hannah played outside most of the afternoon, and we went to church this morning.  That was new for us as a family.  I don't think we've gone to "Church" together since Norah came to join us.  Probably long before.  They both were fabulously good, and Steven seemed to be pleased to be back in his element as far as churches go.  I think we'll keep it up.  If they seem to like it, maybe I'll take the step and make it a family affair. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

April Showers

Once the snow that was basically nonexistant disappeared, we had a fabulous weekend.  We drove up to Grampy and Mimi's house, had a nice lunch, and they absconded with Grampy, making him almost unable to chat with any of the rest of us.  We even drove up to Nana and Papa's to visit with Nana who had just come home from rehab after a nasty fall.

Yesterday was errands and just hanging out here at home.  I took the girls upstairs and got the summer bins out of the attic for them to see what still fits.  Quite a bit as it turns out.  Only a few things are too short for Hannah, and Norah can wear everything she wore last year, plus a few things that are a size bigger.  Only thing we're missing is a few pairs of summer PJ's for Hannah, otherwise we're ready for a weather warm up!  Of course that's not going to happen, we're looking at an entire week of rain/sleet/slush falling.  I hope the weather shapes up!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!

Weather man has been touting a horrible Nor'Easter coming to slam us today.  Yesterday Hannah came home from school saying "Mrs L. Says we should cross our fingers that we have school tomorrow.  Apparently enough little kids did, because their "4-6" inches has materialized into NADA.  There was enough snow to brush my car off, and by 10am it was melted off everything except the grass.  Now it's 1:30 and I literally don't see any left.  However... I was texted by my dad about coming to visit tomorrow, and he said the girls should be able to go outside and make a snowman tomorrow, since they had at least 6" then, and that was a few hours ago.