Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We just got out of a stretch where it was HOT. I love nice weather, and prefer sun and heat to snow and cold.... but April seems a bit early for that craziness. I believe we broke records several days because it was just too much. Yesterday it was 90 IN MY HOUSE, which is ridiculous.

Today it is much cooler and nice. I'm almost happy to be back into jeans and long sleeves, though I'm guessing Hannah and Norah will not be happy. Hannah was pleased to be in shorts and sandals, and Norah was extra happy to be in a onesie or even just her diaper.

There also may be some change going on around here. We've been back to looking at houses, hoping to have something we like better. In the course of looking, we may have come up with a new plan. We'll know more in the next week or so, so keep checking back to see if we've come to a final decision.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


It's been forever since I updated. We've been busy around here and of course last week was Spring Vacation week. Here are some pictures from yesterday, the first day to hit 90* this year.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Six Years

Today is our anniversary. We've been married 6 years, and while sometimes that feels like forever, I realize it is not impressive. We are very happy, and do our best to make life for the other one easier. I've come to realize that being married isn't give and take. It's give. Just give. Give all of yourself to your partner, and in return you truly receive the greatest gift possible.

Speaking of great gifts, here's a picture of the Chamilia bracelet Steven got me as a gift. Doesn't he rock?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Little Girl Heaven

Last night Kat and I took the big girls to Disney on Ice at the Mass Mutual Center. All three of our girls and the extras that were also there in our group had a blast. Hannah loved all the princess related things, and Nemo. I think she would have had more fun if she knew more of the stories they did, but she still loved it a lot. I don't remember the last time she was out so late. Poor girl didn't make it into bed until 10, which is late when she's usually falling asleep on the couch at 7:30.

I do have pictures, but have yet to download my camera, so you'll have to be patient with me. She and I also colored eggs this afternoon, and she's very proud of hers. Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll even eat one!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Yesterday Kat had invited us over to decorate eggs with her girls and her friend (and I guess when I think about it, my friend) Kate and her girls. So Kat and I met at Walmart to do the buying of all things egg related. Then we went back to her house for egg fun. Yeah, seven girls decorating eggs is certainly interesting. But they all did really well, there were no messes, and then they all decided to eat lunch. Hannah headed off to school and Norah home to nap, but because of her teeth (see previous entry) she was a mess and so unhappy. I called Kat to see what their plans were for the evening, and rather than sit home with a miserable kid, we went back over there for dinner and distraction.

So friends make life better, remember that always, and be good to your friends!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Norah's molars just will not come in. She is absolutely miserable, not sleeping well, and apparently now pooping in her sleep. I was up very early this morning changing her and rocking her back to sleep. She's so unhappy I just wish there were something I could do for her. No medicine makes a dent in it, no teether makes her happy, no pressure, nothing. She's been getting her molars forever it feels like. And what makes it worse, at least in my opinion, is that it's only ONE causing this trouble. It's bulging under her gum so I can feel it, but the other is nowhere to be seen/felt. So not only is she in so much pain and miserable now, but we get to do it again when the other one comes in.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A fabulous Sunday

Yesterday we went to Magic Wings and Yankee Candle in Deerfield. It was a nice peaceful day, and we got lots of really nice pictures. The girls were very well behaved, and had a very good time, at least I think they did.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring is here

Finally! I've spent all winter waiting for spring. Apparently the reason why spring isn't usually a favorite season is because interspersed between gorgeous warm sunny days are horrible non stop rainy days. But thankfully it will be clearing up and we'll get some sun today instead of April Showers.

Next week something special is happening. Hannah and I will be going to Disney on Ice with Kat and her girls. Hannah is ultra excited, and I think possibly even more so that it will only be her and I. Norah will be staying home with Steven since the show doesn't even start until her bedtime, so I can only imagine how fun THAT would be if she came. I'm planning on taking my camera, assuming I can carry it. Otherwise I'm sure Kat will bring hers and there will be some pictures.

Norah finally seems to be feeling better and is finally eating and drinking mostly normally. It only took a month. So I'm thinking her bottles will soon be a thing of the past, and formula definitely can be. I hate hate HATE putting milk in her bottles, but at least in my own twisted reality, she doesn't need the bottles and wouldn't miss them. And I think that's true. The only reason she still gets them is because she doesn't drink enough during the day (16-24 oz daily of whole cows milk for kids between 1 and 2). So maybe when it's summer and hot she'll be more willing to drink, otherwise it's bottles for now.

My friend Laurie and I are planning a trip. I'll of course be visiting her later this month, but we actually have a real road trip planned for the weekend before my Birthday. I'll be driving to her house, and then after spending the night we'll head down to Virginia to see our good friend Irene and to celebrate her twins impending birth. Hopefully impending anyways, I believe she's due in August, so I would imagine that it's totally legitimate that she could actually have them by mid July.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Three Years

I cannot get over how different they look. Hannah first on 4/1/06 and then Norah, today 4/1/09