Monday, January 30, 2012


I live for weekends these days.  I don't get a break from homework, which is kicking my butt daily this semester, but the girls have more people who love them and want to hang out with them.  They spent all of this past weekend with Meema, who they adore.  And she them, obviously.  They had a great time, and Steven and I headed into Boston to meet up with some friends of mine for dinner.  It was a great (late) night, and everyone had a great time.  The girls were happy to see me (and Heather) yesterday morning.  However I seem to have picked up whatever bug they've been passing around, so now I'm congested with an insanely sore throat.  And of course Biology and Algebra wait for no one.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Somehow there seems to be more sickness going around this winter than last.  Hannah's sick (still or again, not sure) with a horrible cough.  She's barking and miserable.  I don't blame her, coughing is no fun, and worse at night.  Fortunately for her it doesn't really wake her up much, she mostly coughs in in her sleep.  It only disturbs other people who can hear her.  I'm starting to be able to sleep through it.  She's old enough now that she'll come get me if she needs something.  Steven can't always though, and boy he complains like there's something I could do about it.  I mean, if she's had albuterol, cough syrup, and vapor rub on her chest, there isn't much more I could do.  She keeps a water bottle in bed with her, and drinks if she needs it.  I really think all the bases are covered.

In other news, school started for me this week.  I'm feeling ridiculously dumb because the algebra isn't making any sense.  I swear I studied for 2 hours tonight and finally was confident enough to attempt the homework assigned.  And by tomorrow I'm sure I will have forgotten completely.  Sad but true I'm thinking.

Norah is her hilarious little self.  She's started talking funny, and I'm not sure why.  No one says "Cay UHT" instead of "Cat" here, well except her.  But she's goofy and fun, and I'm glad.  Even when I want to send her to the moon.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


While I've been enjoying my winter break from school, life has paraded on as normal.  Chaos reigns, but in a good way.  We've just been really busy.  The first week back to school was rough for the girls, but it got a bit better last week.  Yesterday Hannah had the day off, so after I got home from work we just stayed home and relaxed.  We needed it after our weekend.  Thursday Norah was running a fever of 103.  Weird for her, since she rarely gets sick.  I ran out for something to bring it down, and sure enough an hour later she was cooling down nicely.  She woke up hot again, so more meds brought it down to normal, and she was off doing her normal thing.  Fortunately Saturday she woke up cool, and stayed that way all day.  I still don't know what it was, but it left in enough time to have some friends come over for dinner as planned on Sunday.  We got to snuggle a little baby and spend time with friends we don't get to see often enough.  There was a total of 17 people here for dinner, and the house sounded every bit of it.  I love that kind of happy noise, it's my favorite.  All the kids got along well, as usual, well except Magi and Norah.  They always have issues, you'd think they were sisters.

So hopefully we're back to normal and virus free.  No one else got sick with whatever it was Norah had, and I'm pleased to say that.  We've got some snow, some of the first of the year following the freak Halloween storm.  Nothing major, just enough to make stuff messy.  I'm hoping this is how the winter will be.  Next week I start back to school, and hopefully I can balance everything as well as I did last semester.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

We had a very quiet, peaceful New Year's weekend.  The girls were dropped off at Grampy and Mimi's on Friday after lunch, so I spent a few hours home before Steven got back.  I took down all the decorations, and packed everything up neatly.  All we had to do Saturday was take the tree down and put it away, and of course vacuum, because even plastic trees shed needles like you wouldn't believe. 

Saturday Steven did some work on Amanda's car, and then we took mine to the tire place to fix my nearly flat tire.  I had a screw in it, so it was leaking.  But we had a snack at Dunkin Donuts and then finished up our grocery shopping.  After that we did a little shopping with our Christmas money, and then had dinner out courtesy of a lovely gift card.  Our peaceful evening was interrupted around 11 when Steven got called into work.  So he left, and I went to sleep.  He slept in late on Sunday, then we cleaned and did some more shopping before the girls came home.

I had to work today, as did he, but the girls are still recovering from their long weekend.  Norah slept in until 8, and only woke up then because we had to leave so I could go to work.  Hannah is exceptionally cranky today, and I'm hoping that an early bedtime will remedy that.