Thursday, August 13, 2009

Please Pray to whomever you Pray to

Emilia Lapierre (Mimi) Age 4.5
Yesterday Mimi, who is one of twins who are Hannah's very best friends, was diagnosed with Leukemia (ALL for anyone researching it). I don't know much but that her family is very stressed and scared and could use any and all good thoughts/prayers. The Lapierre girls are like my own kids, I see them so often and have watched them grow up and change. Please pray that healing isn't too hard for her and for her family.

1 comment:

Brittany and Matt said...

My thoughts are with her and her family. D.J. was diagnosed with leukemia when he was three. A really great resource that I would refer them to is Why Me, Inc. ( The family shouldn't go through this alone. Why Me is the absolute best! My brother now volunteers with the organization.

-Brittany Blaney-Anderson