Monday, March 23, 2009

Snuggling Babies

I got to snuggle a baby again, and yes I know I snuggle mine all the time, she's just not TECHNICALLY a baby anymore. Laurie came to visit with her whole family from New Jersey for the day, and even though they got stuck in traffic, they still made it by lunchtime. Jonathan is just as sweet as he could be, and I swear I do not ever remember Norah being that little. Hannah was SO excited that there was another baby in the house, especially one who doesn't yet have personal opinions about who should hold/feed/kiss/play with him. So she got lots of helping time in feeding and holding him for Laurie. And of course we got to play with slings. I showed her how to put her little man in with his chubby little legs out, and how to put her sling so it won't hurt her back. He was very happy, if a bit cranky periodically from not really napping much.

It was such a nice day, and even Kat came over (no, not a shocker, she's here all the time these days) to come meet Laurie and snuggle adorable Jonathan. We had a lovely day all day, it was just perfect. I haven't yet downloaded my camera, but I have some sweet pictures of Hannah holding Jonathan.

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