Wednesday, February 23, 2011


When we were picking up the girls Sunday, as we were thinking about leaving, my mom's phone rang.  It was my Uncle Bob.  My Aunt Maura was diagnosed with lung cancer last spring, and despite chemo, radiation, and surgery,  things are not going well.  He was calling to tell my mom that she's no longer at home.  Her pain isn't managed well enough, and she's in a hospice center at the local hospital.  She's so uncomfortable they have her on Oxycontin, Oxycodone, and Morphine.  And that only brings her down to a 4 or a 5 pain-wise.  So there's a trip to NH in the works.  We saw her in November at Erin's party, and I'm glad we made the trip.  She got to see the girls, and I got to see her.  So even if it happens that I don't make it up to see her again, I did see her. 

Erin's planning her wedding in August, and I'm really sad thinking about how things could happen.  Lynise's wedding was happy AND sad since Linda wasn't there.  I don't want that for my cousin. 

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