Friday, September 30, 2011

Chaos Multiplied

I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow since the beginning of the month, all the chaos has multiplied here.  Hannah and I started school.  Then there was soccer.  Ok, no big deal, one practice a week.  And sometimes as many as three games in that same span.  Now I'm getting lots of homework, and no more time in my days to do it.  I remembered last night that Hannah starts CCD on Monday.  That means that my weeks just got ever so slightly more chaotic.  I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever cook a real dinner again.  Lately it's been a lot of lame stuff.  I feel guilty, I want my family to eat better than that.  I want my house to be clean.  I want to spend time outside with my kids while they play. 

Unfortunately a lot of that is biting the dust as I try to figure out a way to combat chaos.  So when Norah is in school on Friday morning's, I try to do some homework and at least do the grocery shopping.  Maybe if we have good food in the house I'll actually cook it?  Maybe.

Sunday Hannah has a soccer game and Grampy and Mimi are coming down to watch it.  So since today is Grampy's Birthday (happy birthday Dad :)  ) we're having what he'd like for dinner on Sunday and I'll make a cake to go along with it.  Guess that's where dinner will start. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sucked in

I've been following this blog since the beginning of the month.  September is pediatric cancer awareness month and Mary Tyler Mom has been writing a post every day of this month.  One for each day of treatment her daughter Donna was on.  Pediatric cancer falls close to home here.  We all love Mimi, and worry about her.  She's doing well, at least last I saw her yesterday at the soccer game, and that's important.  But there is so little funding for pediatric cancer, it's very VERY sad.  Not that I think my little personal blog will have anything to do with that.  But, I feel like I needed to say something.  Anything.  I'm having a rough day today, and I don't feel like myself.  But I have my two kids here, and they love me.  I don't ever have to wonder about it.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Big E

Yesterday Hannah had a soccer game at 2:15.  Steven went into work early and found out that since they tow from the Big E, we could park for free and possibly get in at a discounted rate.  So we planned to go over there after Hannah's game.

They got a late start, somewhere closer to 3, though I'm not sure why.  Hannah spent the first half in the goal, and let a couple by her.  She comes too far out, and she's still a little afraid of the ball, so she doesn't charge it the way her coach wants.  Then they switched, and another girl played goalie and Hannah got the chance to play defense and offense.  I have some pictures from yesterday on my camera.  When they finished, and squeaked out another win, we headed home to change and drive over to the fair.

There was surprisingly little traffic, but that may be because it was nearly 5pm at that point.  We parked and walked to the main gate.  Steven called the man we were supposed to meet up with, and would you believe he walked us right in the exit.  No one batted an eyelash, and we were thrilled to be able to keep the $40 total an entrance would cost for 4 of us on a weekend.  We walked around, checked out shops, saw the parade, and got the girls some dinner.  Then we headed to the Better Living Center to see all the goods in there.  After that there was more walking around, some fried vegetables, and cotton candy.  Hannah got a feather in her hair (the new trend I guess) and Norah got a butterfly magic wand.

We finally headed for home, and got there around 9:00.  Norah was passed out cold in the car, and Hannah was wound up I guess, because she was singing and dancing in her seat.  They both seemed to sleep well, though it's going to be a long day, because they didn't sleep nearly long enough.

Friday, September 23, 2011

School Days

Hannah's gotten right back into school like it never stopped.  Some mornings she's confused, that the weekends don't require rushing.  She's ready to go, and when it's not a school day, she wants to go do something else.  Which is fine.

Today was something different.  Norah started a preschool program through the city.  For a very nominal fee she gets to go spend three hours once a week at "school".  And just like Hannah, we took her picture this morning, with her backpack.  She was VERY excited this morning, asking how soon are we leaving, and is it time for school yet.  She took her backpack and packed her snack (cheez its and water) and her nightnight.  Because even 3 year olds can't go to school without their nightnights.  And we dropped Hannah off first.  Then we headed over to Kat's house, and met them so we could do the initial drop off together.  They were so excited to be big kids, I love it! 

And as for my own school, I'm plugging along.  I'm having a harder time with math this chapter, and I suspect that won't get any easier.  I turned in my first essay for English on Tuesday, and I'll get it back next week to see how I did.  I think it was good, not great, but passable at least.  I'm still getting back into the writing swing of things.

Pictures to come on the shutterfly site, I swear I have some.  My camera is getting used, just not downloaded.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Game on!

So as of today, Hannah's team has had two games, and won both times.  Not that winning is what matters, but it makes them feel good!  Thursday it was so dark I couldn't take a single picture that wasn't fuzzy from the girls all moving.  So today, since the game got moved to 1pm instead of 6:30pm again, I got some wonderful pictures.... Of Hannah standing still.  She played goalie for all of the second half, and never got anywhere near the ball.  First half she played defense for a while while Iza played goalie.  Iza was an equally bored goalie.  They are too cute to watch them play.  They play hard, and somewhat rougher than I imagined first and second graders being.  But they all had a good time.  Hannah's excited for some family to come watch her play. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Tomorrow is Hannah's first soccer game.  I think she's really excited to have a good time.  I'll be interested to see how she feels when she's finished tomorrow.  Win or lose, they're all going to learn some great skills for playing a game, working with a team, and using your own potential.  But I don't expect those kind of lessons to sink in fully until she's a bit older.

Tonight we went over to the park and she kicked the soccer ball around with Mimi.  They looked pretty good, though Mimi has a much better idea of what she's supposed to do.  I suppose that comes with having a dad who plays himself.  Steven kicked it with them too for a while, and they both seemed to have fun.  Provided the local three year olds didn't come pester them.

So I'll take some pictures tomorrow, and I'll try to post the ones from this past weekend from the chalk art and the hot air balloons.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Kid Sports

Up until now, Hannah hasn't shown a ton of interest in actual team sports.  She'll play outside with balls and all sorts of sports paraphernalia, but that's about it.  And it was plenty for everyone.  Well as of this year, I guess it seems to be the right time to get her into doing some team sports.  There were sign ups yesterday for soccer, and she was interested.  Considering it was cheaper than all the other things she wanted to do, and she knows a few girls on the team, we jumped in with both feet. 

So yesterday morning, after a quick stop at the sports store for all things necessary for soccer, (cleats, shin guards, ball, socks...) we headed over to sign ups, and their first practice.  This particular team is all first and second grade girls.  However, it's mostly second grade, so Hannah and Iza are the smallest girls on the team.  They looked super adorable in their gear running and kicking.  I can't wait to see them play an actual game!  It's going to be adorable and hilarious.... and yes, there will be pictures!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day

Hannah had her first day of first grade yesterday.  She came out happy and full of energy!  She had a lot to say, but she seemed surprised that she had no toys in her classroom.  She has a desk, with her name on it, and she sits next to a girl named Elizabeth and a boy named Gabriel.  She's in a class with two of her friends from last year, so that's nice.  She said she didn't have enough time to eat her lunch, but I think it's more that she got used to leisurely lunches where you can take your time, and I think she gets 15 minutes to eat at school.  She did eat all but two bites of her wrap, which I thought was the most important anyways.  Just the way she wanted.  Whole wheat wrap with turkey, cheese, lettuce, pepper, and cucumber.

Then they came home and we filled out paperwork and got snacks.  I took them back over to Meme's around 5, and then I headed off through traffic to get to my own first day of school.  I was a little early, but I wasn't the only one.  My class centered on the syllabus, and starting an outline for our first essay, due in two weeks.  I have a feeling this may be a bit harder than I first anticipated.  In this semester (we will meet 13 times in that timeframe) I have four papers due, two of which are 800+ word research papers.  It's been a long time since I did any sort of paper, so I'm hoping my brain can reboot and remember some of this stuff.  Annotated Bibliography?  Works Cited?  Footnotes? 

However in other news, I got a 97% on my first math test, so now it's on to other, harder concepts.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Tomorrow is Labor Day, but Tuesday is the first day of school!  Hannah will be starting first grade, and I think she's a bit nervous about it.  She's most concerned that we haven't purchased her any school supplies, which I can't since I've recieved no list.  I told her if her teacher says she needs anything to have her put a note in her backpack.  I have no problem providing supplies, as long as I know what to get.

It will also be my first day of school.  I had my orientation on Friday morning and Tuesday night at 6:15 I'll start my first class on campus.  I've already started the course work on the online class.  I've had access to that for over a week, so I figured I'd get started.  So we'll see how it goes, for both of us.