Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fun and Crazy

This past weekend we drove for a visit to see Grampy and Mimi. And of course all the assorted people who hang out there on Saturdays. Hannah was so happy to be there and have oodles of nearly undivided attention. She was even happier when Jennie stopped by with her always adorable kids. Annalisa will be three in about a week, so they're close enough in age to play and enjoy the company. I was of course thrilled to see Jennie since I don't think we've gotten together since Norah was still new. She looks fabulous for being as pregnant as she is. If I looked that good I might possibly be tempted to go for one more. We also got to see Auntie Sara and Auntie Lynise (who is newly engaged, Congrats!) which is always a treat since they love the girls so much. It was a fun day all around, and I'm sure they can't wait to go back to visit again.

Sunday was supposed to be slightly more low key. Steven put in a new fridge, which resulted in removing part of my countertop and all of the faux bricks that were behind the old one. It's a very nice one though, and maybe someday he'll hook up the water so we have ice/water in the door. Then I got to go grocery shopping ALONE. I don't think I've done that since I was still pregnant with Norah and Hannah went to playgroup on Fridays. It was heaven, and yes I do like grocery shopping, it makes me happy. Then we played Guitar Hero and went to Carol's for dinner. Very low key compared to any dinner at my dad's, but that's to be expected.

We're expecting more snow, but it IS winter, so I guess there's not much we can do about it. And just for giggles, here's a picture of how I found Norah when I went to get her up from her nap yesterday morning. Poor Love. Yes, she's "sitting" if you can call it that. She also apparently destroyed her bed before she decided sleeping was something that she ought to do.

1 comment:

Janice said...

Too funny! I wonder if she was achey after sleeping like that?